Internship at Sensorfact

Creating a design system and building a new customer onboarding

UI Design, ReactJS, Redux, Styled Components, Storybook

During my internship at Sensorfact I worked on their new customer onboarding. For this I redesigned their design system called 'Nucleus'. I created a sketch document containing all UI elements. Furthermore I build the design using ReactJS, Redux, Cypress E2E and Storybook.

Design System

During the first month at Sensorfact I worked on cleaning up their design documentation. Before my arrival there had been multiple designers who had all created their own components with each their own styling rules. Together with the lead front-end developer we created an inventory of all the UI elements, typography elements and color schemes.

Sales Back-office

A major bottleneck in their onboaring at that time was the flow of customers from the sales team to the project team. Together with stakeholders we identified the following criteria: 1) the sales representatives needed a back-office with which they could sign up new customers. 2) After sign-up customers should receive a digital invoice of their order. 3) Once the customer had accepted the invoice an update should be sent to the project team to start the onboarding.

Setting-up account details

After accepting the invoice and receiving the request to onboard the new customer needed to supply the project team with information needed to install the Sensorfact hardware. After creating a Sensorfact account the new customer could add their machines into the onboarding application.

Finalizing onboarding

To finish the onboarding process new customers had to enter their company details and were able to choose a installation date. Furthermore the new customer would recieve a small overview of their purchase.

Building a Nucleus styleguide

Under the supervision of the lead front-end developer at Sensorfact I got the chance to build and test all the Nucleus components I had designed. Using Storybook we created a digital styleguide.

Building the onboarding web application

The onboarding web application was build using ReactJS and Redux. Furthermore we used Cypress for end 2 end testing.