Recharge My Party

A location-based AR application

User Experience Design, Augmented Reality, React Native

Project Mission

'Design, prototype and develop an interactive prototype that gives festival visitors in need of social interaction insight into ad-hoc camping activities.'

About this project

With this project I completed my Bachelor in Communication & Multimedia Design at Avans Breda University of Applied science. During this project I used Sketch to create most of the mockups and screens presented here, further more I user React Native, ViroReact and MongoDB to create an interactive prototype which was tested and used for the recording of a use case video.

How does it work?

This app was designed to give visitors of festivals insight in adhoc social activities on the campsite. Users can share their location through this app by recharging their phone from a powerbank. Other visitors can find them by using their camera and looking for the ‘recharge’ beacons.


Through user-research done on festivals I categorized 3 types of visitors; newcomers, campers and party animals. A festival experience map was created in order to track and give insight into the experiences of the different persona's. From this map three different moments where identified as important touchpoints. These moments formed the foundation for the eventual design criteria.

1. Arrival

'During the onboard this prototype must offer the user a visual narrative that matches the festival atmosphere.'

3 & 5. Morning & Afternoon

'The prototype's interface must provide a reason for the user to engage in offline social interaction.'

2 & 4. Evening & night

'The prototype's interface must engage the user with it's envoirment and encourage them to explore new social interactions.'


'How can a narrative improve the interaction between the user and application?'

During the concept phase I worked with friends and experts on creating a narrative which could fit the user within the defined parameters.

These first sketches illustrate the themes and allround estetics of the researched experiences during a festival. These were transformed into the idea of sharing your location through a gamified narrative like 'finding a charger' or 'recharging yourself on the campsite'. This concept was sketched out into wireframes.


UI Mockups

Building and testing the location based AR app

Using React Native, Redux and Viroreact I build the prototype. Using Mercator projection I placed beacons on many places throughout Rotterdam and Breda. The images below show the pogression throughout the development process.